Tuesday, August 5, 2008

God's Provision

As many of you know, we didn't know how God was going to provide everything we would need as we moved back to Marion. This post is a testimony to His faithfulness to us in even the small things in life. For those who may be wondering about His provision for you, I hope you find this encouraging. Keep seeking the Lord, and know that where His heart is, His provision will be.

Below are a few examples, but it's certainly not all. There have been some major blessings in following the Lord's leading back to Marion that we've been asked to keep to ourselves. To honor those who gave, we will...so you may just have to trust us...there's some BIG stuff left off the list.

1. The computer we use to update this blog was a provision of God to us at no cost...though we tried to pay for it. Unbelievable!

2. We have a friend that decided this...even though we didn't come to a church position and receive a "traditional" pounding (giving gifts of groceries and supplies), she would take it upon herself to do it for us. WHOA!!!

3. We have received enough beans and potatoes to last several, several meals...along with soup from a friend...another meal provided.

4. We were given about $350 worth of school supplies and curriculum from a friend. Here's the kicker...when she used it, she photocopied the books...so, they have no writing in them! They look brand new!

5. Susan and the kids were given the opportunity to go pick sweet corn from a friend's field for free. We brought home enough corn to last through the spring.

6. Last, but certainly not least, coffee. A friend who works at Starbucks has graciously given us two pounds of our favorite coffee at a time when we couldn't have bought generic, nasty, used oil coffee. (This doesn't include the pound of coffee given to us by a random Starbucks employee that we don't know.)

We cannot write thank you cards fast enough to get ahead of the curve of giving to us. We are humbled and amazed by God's gracious provision of these things...some needs, some not-so-needs. Be encouraged...God has not forgotten you or your needs. At just the right time, His provision will be there.